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St. Patrick's Cemetery (Glowing Graveyard) - Real Haunt in Shell Creek NE

  • Shell Creek, NE
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is also known as the Glowing Graveyard and has a number of ghost stories surrounding it. The headstones are said to glow at night by the light of a full moon (hence the nickname). Another legend tells of an accident that happened on the adjacent bridge, where a bus full of children overturned, killing everyone inside. If you cover your car with talcum powder and drive over the bridge, reports say you'll see small handprints all over the car.

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  • There is haunts but this needs to be updated

    Not all the headstones glow, the legend I was told is the there was a murder buried here outside of the cemetery But when it was expanded he was brought back inside if the grounds. The headstone contains a rock that glows under certain lighting. The bridge behind has also been taken down so there is no driving across but the accident was a school bus full of children. I have had some really bad experiences here, had a bright red hand mark show up on the back of my neck while here. Be careful!

    Posted 9/4/23

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,775
Last edit to this listing: 5/25/2017 (2830 days ago)

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