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Dana College - Real Blair Haunt

  • 2848 College Dr.
  • Blair, NE
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Dating back to 1884, this college was shut down in 2010 due to financial issues. When it operated as a college, there were a couple different locations on campus that were said to be haunted. The oldest building, Argo Hall, had a number of haunting reports of electrical appliances that turned on and off by themselves. Shadowy figures were spotted in the Charles A. Dana Hall of Science and in the Madsen Fine Arts Center, witnesses have heard the phantom sound of a piano being played, and have seen dark figures. In Elkhorn Hall, a suicide took place on the 4th floor in the 1930s, which many say are to blame for the sounds of footsteps and voices heard there.
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  • Elkhorn Hall on the Dana College Campus

    Had an employee who was also in security at Dana in the 2000's. He told me of turning off lights in the dorm (which was closed) locked up & by the time he reached his vehicle the lights were back on. He took me up to show me & indeed it occurred & I observed it. It was creepy to be sure, but I remain skeptical.

    Posted 7/23/22

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  • scary

    I have ben there before and I live in Blair NE.

    Posted 10/21/20

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  • Dana College

    I was riding my bike today and i thought I should go run the track so I did and then while I was jogging it felt like some was right next to me but I looked around nothing was there and then I herd this huge crash so I went over to one of the doors and all I could make out was a black figure and it was getting closer so I hopped on my bike and went home then later that evening I went to go check it out with my mom and right when we pulled in the car broke down and a black figure was coming toward us so we started up the car and we drove back home and that was the last time I went to Dana College

    Posted 3/8/20

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  • Elkhorn Hall

    So a couple years ago me and some buddies decided to go check this place out. We were young and loved to explore abandoned places. We had no thought of this place being haunted, we just knew it would be creepy, just as visiting any abandoned place is. We arrived around 8:45 pm. It was almost pitch black except for a couple lights on some buildings. At 9:00 the turn of the hour bell rang super loud and we were right by the church. It scared us Shitless. We kept exploring though. We approached the arts and science building which had no lights turned on what so ever. My buddy pulled out his phone to take a picture. Im not even kidding when I say this, as soon as he took the picture with flash all of the outside lights of the building turned on. we immediately left that building because it just felt so off. After we were all about 30 ft away from the building all of the lights had turned back off. We kept going. We approached Elkhorn hall. We were all about 10 feet away from the building and were immediately getting very negative vibes. We were observing a small blue light that seemed very odd in a window on the third floor. As soon as we were all observing the light, the light in the room directly above the window we were observing turned on. It was beaming out of the 4th floor room almost like a spotlight spotting us. We ran away. Once we were far away the light turned back off. It wasn't until we were in the car on the way home until we read this page to discover that there was a Suicide on the 4th floor of Elkhorn hall. That still bothers me to this day.

    Posted 9/30/19

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  • Rasmussen Hall

    I was assigned a guest room in the basement in Rasmussen Hall when visiting the college in April of 1992. I didn't sleep. I was kept up all night by clanging and banging noises. When asking about them the next day, I received quizzical looks. When I dormed in Rasmussen in the fall, I awoke to someone breathing into my face. I pulled the covers over my head. I was really freaked out for a while. I worked as wardrobe mistress for 3 years in the basement of Madsen Fine Arts Center. I heard doors slamming every time I was using the bathroom down there, and footsteps, like someone was opening the door and walking through. The creepiest was walking in Black Elk Neihart Park late at night. Sometimes it seemed like I could see Black Elk on the path walking towards me. Strangely, I ended up teaching for 8 years in a school building in Iowa that was haunted. Years later, as I watch Dead Files and Ghost Adventures, I know I was not imagining any of it.

    Posted 9/9/18

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  • Ghost Experience At Dana College

    In 2015 me and my friend decided it would be a good Idea to go up to dana skateboard. It turned out that he just wanted to break in it because all the scary stories about it I guess we wanted to see if it was true. So I grabbed a metal pole and threw it through one of the only unbaracaded Windows of the dorms and we went in jokingly exploring everything it was dark and normal untill we started leaving when we left a dress or that was in one of the dorms fell down a floor of stairs we were scared out of our mind so we left but it's not over we got to front of the dorms and saw a figure I couldn't really make it out but it looked like a black shadow of a man. So we decided to take a break for like 20 minutes and went back in we explored a little bit more than out of nowhere we herd a notice from a floor above from a door that wad chained shut it slammed open then shut and we thought it was a person so we were like if it's a person were going to jail if it's a ghost ohh god. We went up and saw the door that was chained locked it was unlocked which we were already were freaked out by that point so we went in and led to another dorm hall nothing out of the normal like all the others minus the fact there was a single white pill, a note, and a waterbottle it was written tiny and scribbled so we couldn't read it. Nor did we know what the pill was but we left after that scared that we experienced what kind of horors lye within that dorm building.

    Posted 3/26/18

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  • Ghost experience at Dana College

    Hello, im Bailey. I lived in Blair all my life. Im 24 years old. I went to Dana College for a church lock in gathering. Back in i believe 2010. We were touring around the campus, we heard some people had witnessed ghosts all around. One ghost was in the football field. and heard a couple in the music hall. So we decided to stop by The music hall, where they do the plays. in the enterance, right away i saw this little girl. she had to have been about 5 or 6 years old. She was just staring at me at the bottom of the stairs. Her hair was curled like she was in a play. Also she had like a old fashioned dress on, like what people would wear back in the day. I tried to grab my friend to show her, but the little girl ran off. I ran down stairs trying to find her. But she really vanished. her little feet Even made noise while she ran away, and she was so visible. Like a regular little kid you would look at. i also have seen the same girl when i was leaving there. She was looking out the top cornered window. It was very crazy! we also heard there was a janitor roaming around there, that likes to sit in the chairs by the stage. But i have not seen or heard anything in websites, of papers about this mysterious little girl that i swear i seen! or about the janitor.

    Posted 10/19/17

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Visitors to this page: 3,202
Last edit to this listing: 5/25/2017 (2830 days ago)

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