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October 1, 2020 By Newsletter Staff
Hwy 2 Hell Christian Scare Attraction Hamburg, IA Open Friday 10/2, Saturday 10/3 and 9 other dates A theatrical scare drama that you take part in. 20 Minute walking journey that takes place during the Apocalypse. Experience first hand running from the One World Government ran by Satan who is trying to make you take the mark of commerce and oppression. |
KneeKnocker Woods Gibbon, NE Open Friday 10/2, Saturday 10/3 and 16 other dates KneeKnocker Woods is an outdoor Halloween Experience featuring an unsettling stroll through Grandpa Grimm's creepy woods and ag land, complete with an abandoned cemetery, decaying buildings, and many more places for monsters, spooks, and zombies to hide. |
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